Sunday, May 31, 2020


Hello again,

it goes on, yes, I like to do it.
Now you see the runes and the signs and the letters that have the sound value D/T.

The Scotch St Andrew cross-like X rune of the Turks you can see by European Runes, Phoenician, Ancient Iberians, Kurmali.
The + you see by Kharoschthi, Glozel (value undefined) Ancient Iberian.
Linear A and Linear B have similar signs, too.

And now the runes/letters that have the sound value B.

Ancient Iberian NE Rune ist the same like Turkish Rune, even their sound value is the same EB. 
EB means in Turkish House and this rune has the shape of a house.

Ancient Iberian SW sign is the upside-down form of Turkish round B, and they both look like Phoenician sign but this one has edges. 
Kharoschthi looks like the Turkish 3rd B Rune on this paper.

And thirdly today the signs with the value C/Ç (C like J-ungle, Ç like Ch-air)
The first Turkish Rune -UC- is a stylized form of a peak. Uc means peak or the head of something.
The 2nd rune -UÇ- is a stylized form of a bird that can fly. Fly means in Turkish uç-.
In Issyk Kurgan and on Glozel founds we find the both, but we are not sure about their sound values.
Old Hungarian and Elder Futhark have the same rune with the sound value Z.
Kharoschthi has similar signs with sound value CHHA and CHA.
Iberians have not the same but very similar signs, too, especially NE one.
Kurmali has similar signs with JHA, CHA and CHHA sound values.
Linear A hav very similar signs to Turkish and Iberian ones, sound valuer are undefined.

And the most boring one.


Almost all the signs are same. Etruscan and other Italian signs are more like Turkish runes than the Phoenician one. None of them has the same direction like the Phoenician one => 
Issyk has the same runes like the Turkish ones. Their sound value is undefined.
Indian Systems Kurmali and Khoraschthi have similar ones Kurmali is round.
Old Hungarian is more handsome.

And here is a fun fact. EL means hand in Turkish and the Turkish Runes of L look like hands.
On this Paper you see a very funny idea of somebody I don't know anymore. But a nice idea anyway.

And a very interesting one. 
the Fish or the zigzag or the X
The Turkish has a fish with a x and Proto Bulgarian Linear A and B have fishes, too.
Iberians have Phoenician zigzags and Linear A has them, too.
The last Turkish Rune is very similar to next Linear A sign, what do you mean?
European Runes are X's with fences.

 An IBEX (Steinbock, Dagkecisi)

An Ibex on Bilge Kagan's memorial Stone - Orhun Abideleri - Orhun Runes

And now my paper:

Sound value K-Q

Look at the first line 

Indian Kurmali, Futhark and Old Bulgarian have the same sign for the same sound value. But how is it possible?
The Turkish delta we can see on Glozel founds and in Old Hungarian script.
Turkish 'h' form or Ibex form K we can find by European Runes and Kharoschthi signs with sound value K.
Turkish arrow like K we find by Etruscan (sound value kh) and Turkish 'B' like Rune by Linear A with the sound value ku.
Linear a has further an arrow and an ibex but sound values are undefined. 

And now let your fantasy live.
The Ibex (Türkisch a very divine animal) gave its form to 2 Runes.
Ök means divine and this animal, too, because it was the closest animal ti Tengri (Turkish God).
That's why Bilge Kagan has it on his memorial stone. Hungarian Tör-ök means Turkish.

That's all folks.

Have a nice day.

Uzunbacak Adem

Friday, May 22, 2020


I have compared the writing systems of Ancient Turks with the Kurmali Script from West Bengal Region of India.

Above you can see my comparison.

The letters of East Indian Kurmali are very 'European' and very similar to Turkish Runes, aren't they?

What do you think?


Hindistan kökenli Kurmali yazısı ile Türk Runlarını karşılaştırdığım resim yukarıda.
Bir Doğu Hint yazı sistemi olan Kurmali Yazısının harfleri ne kadar Avrupalı ve Türk Runlarına da ne kadar beziyor.

Bu nasıl mümkün olabilir?

Ne dersin?


Ich habe oben die Ostindischen Schriftzeichen namens Kurmali mit Türkischen Runes verglichen. 
Kurmali Schriftzeichen sehen sehr 'europäisch' aus und sind den Türkischen Runen sehr ähnlich.

Aber wie ist es möglich?

Was meinst Du?

Uzunbacak Adem


Pic with Kurmali Schriftzeichen ist aus Twitter.

Here the link for Kurmali Language by Wikipedia:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020



it is not also fascinating but also exhausting to see/to find the similarities between the alphabets of the regions/folks that are far from each other.

Ich have started on twitter a line of small notice papers.
On these papers below you can see my work of comparison.

I start only with physical comparison and the it gets better and better and you will see that the letters that I later compared have the same sound value, too...

Here we go:

Etruscan Warrior with a sign on his armor

I saw this pic in book "The Buried People, A study of Etruscan World" 

It reminds me of a sign that I know as a Turkish Rune. Here my paper:


There are similar signs in Ancient Iberian, Linear A, Linear B, Turkish Runes in both Yenisey and Orhun, Glozel, Old Hungarian inscriptions.

OK. Maybe they don't have the same sound value, but we must say they are similar.


Second paper of mine was about my favorite sign Turkish (a)nt.
I have already discussed with #crewsproject who works on early writing systems.
((CREWS means Contexts of the Relations between Early Writing Systems)).
Now look at my paper:

The Turkish Runes from Orhun Stones and The Linear A and Linear B are the same.
So, do you think it could be a coincidence?
A line like 'I' we can see in many alphabets because it is very easy to generate but a sign like this Turkish Rune? A circle with 3 dots in it? Can it be a coincidence?

* Officially the Linear alphabets are 2000 years older than the Turkish Runes (I don't think that the Turkish Runes are so young, they must be much older because the signs on the Orhun Stones are not beginner signs, they are perfect).
The @Crewsproject has tweeted that it could be only a coincidence. What do you think?
If we look further at my paper, we find them in Etruscan and Ancient Iberian Alphabets, so that it could be only more interesting.


The third paper was some better because all the signs on it had the sound value 'R'

Look at these:

There are again nearly the same characters we can find in Turkish Runes and Linear alphabets. They have the same shape and same sound value. Still coincidence?
About Glozel we don't know much but the sign is very similar to others.

Kharoshthi is an old Indian Language with a shape that is rounder.
We see all these signs in Eurasian Area. Coincidence?

By the way: The Turkish sign of R has the name 'ER'. Er means the Man since Adam & Eve in Turkish Language. And please look at the first sign on my paper. Do you see the man?


The fourth paper has the sound value 'S'

Besides Issyk and Glozel we know that all the signs on this paper have the same sound value 'S'
When we accept Issyk as a version of Turkish Runes then the ISSYK sign 'I' on my paper could have the same sound value.

But look at again the Turkish Runes and Linear A&B signs. They are the same, aren't they?
Kurmali and Kharoshthi signs are rounder like the other characters from Indian Peninsula, it could be something regional.


now the 5th paper:

Sound Value 'N'

Check this out:

Now we have more than 10 alphabets in Eurasian Area.

one ahead: Kurmali sign is like Turkish (a)nt and have the value n'a, I don't know how I could spell it but it could be a long 'n'.

The others are very similar to each other. Etruscan one needs special care because according to wikipedia there are supposedly 4 signs with the sound value 'K'. Is it possible? That's why I am suspicious about the general consensus/nonsense if 4 K's in Etruscan alphabet and assume the sign ')' could be a 'N'.
Etruscan have maybe 2 N's and 3 K's, it would be more logical, right?
Since we don't know much about Glozel Signs we can only speculate. Ok.


And the sixth and the last one today:

I myself get better when I do further. Ain't I?

Now we have the sound value of 'P'

Look at the first line:
All are the same with the same sound value. How is it possible?
There are maybe 6000 km (surely more) between Orhun Stones und Italian Peninsula, between Ancient Turks and Etruscan. But they are the same.

2nd line:
And there's a nice huge triangle between Phoenician, Yenisey and Oscan Areas.
So how is it possible? Don't we have to accept new ways to understand the development of the alphabetic signs?

Issyk Alphabet is definitely a Turkish one. All the other assumptions are more crazy. There are so many Turkish Runes in there. It must be a Turkish bowl and a Turkish Inscription.

The last line are very interesting, too.
Lepontic,Western Greek and Kharoshthi signs are very similar to each other. An the last but not least The Anglo Saxon Rune is an upside-down of the Turkish ones. Künstlerfreiheit.


Now I am ready to find another similar or same signs in other alphabets.

No more Indo-European understanding of the languages anymore.
A new understanding must be found.

Uzunbacak Adem

Monday, May 18, 2020



a couple of days ago I saw a tweet about Nüshu Alphabet.
It was very interesting, because I immediately recognized many Turkish Runes.
It is a remote region in China, not near to "Turkish" Zone. But how is it possible?

Here below you can see the source of this tweet:

and all the 'letters' you can find here:

But I can show you the pics from Twitter (I hope I may do it).
Yes, you see immediately the Turkish OZ Thamga or swastika, but there are many more.
Look at the manuscript on a paper by me below ( I was so excited so that I couldn't write Turkish right ;) 

Surely there are more common signs between Nüshu and Turkish Runes.

It is possible that Turkish Runes came to region with Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, at least it would be logical. But why the women only wrote this letters, I can not explain. Maybe the patriarchal  system didn't let it be, because it was not Chinese enough and the women are the biggest opponent for their manly system and that's why it became a "secret" script. Who knows!
It would be very interesting project to find it out.

Here some pics from alphabettes website:

For me it was a very interesting and startling similarity.
Was very nice to see the Turkish Runes in a very remote region of the world, where I don't expect.

I think, I am the first one who compares these both scripts.

Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, May 9, 2020



here we go again.

This week I have learned (in Twitter from Nuray Bilgili) that the word KOTUZ means YAK.
Ancient Turks used his antler and tail as divine signs.


Our subject today is but the name Kotuz/Qutuz/Kotys/Cotys, all have the same sound.

Firstly Kotuz/Kutuz

A Mameluke Turkish King of Egypt

He is the commander and king who stopped and destroyed the strong Mongolian Army.
Yes his name was Kotuz/Qutuz.


Second one(s) are older and they have also a royal name, too.

When we look at the list of Thracian Kings, we see 9 Kotys.

A line of kings whose name was Cotys


They were the (the first one was called 'barbarian') Kings whose name are the same like our Asian 'Kotuz' (Turkish word for Yak).

There are many of them. It is possible that the Thracians have Middle Asian Turkish origins. Ok, wikipedia and the other authorities say 'they were Indo-European' but there is definitely no evidence for that.
They could be of Turkish origin as well, too.

Look at the YAK on this Coin of Kotys!

Google Search Thrace Kotys

More info about Kotys, the King:


Third Kotys (Cotys) is a Thracian Deity.
It could be said that there is maybe the word KUT in it, too, meaning the divine energy.

But back to Kotys (Cotys), Ancient Greek Κότυς.

Wikipedia says:

"The name Kotys is believed to have meant "war, slaughter", akin to Old Norse Höðr "war, slaughter".[4] "

I don't think, it could be true. She has not much to do with war, she was maybe a huntress goddess. She was well known with her orgiastic ceremonies, especially at night. She was for sure from Thrace like the KOTYS Kings are from Thrace, too.
The sexual ceremonies she celebrated were called Cotyttia where I can find the word KUT more meaningful, because KUT has to do with "Celebration" (Turkish word Kutla-mak). Ut of Kut-ut could be the old Turkish plural affix, dann meaning the ceremonies.

Greek vase painting depicting a goddess, probably either Bendis or Kotys, adorned in Thracian garb approaching a seated Apollo. Red-figure bell-shaped krater by the Bendis Painter, c. 380–370 BCE


COTYS: A Thracian female deity whose etymology is not clear! * Old 🇹🇷Koduz means widow or a woman! It is attested on the Memorial Stone of Tonyukuk! I drop a link where you can read a text about both Kotuz/Koduz


Three characters from history and three regions  from geography!

Kutuz, Kotys, Cotys <=> Egypt, Thrace, Middle Asia, where we can always found Turks and Turkish cultures.

Uzunbacak Adem

Source: Wikipedia (Pics & Screenshots).


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