A nice sunday!
Look at these short verbs:
Sumerian u: to sleep
Old Turkish ū: to sleep Source 1Akkadian Sumerian Etruscan Turukku ProtoTurkic Proto Turkic Scythian Sarmatian Thracian PreGreek Pre-Greek Carian Sidetic Luwian Lycian Lydian Asianic Kurmali Karoshthi Indus Script Paulys RE Indo European IndoEuropean IndoGerman Etymology Kelime Köken Kelimeköken Turkish Türk Proto Altaic Uralic No Main Stream Ideas No MainsStream Something New No Racism Against EuroCentrism No Euro Centrism! I'm looking at the things through the Turkic window! * Türkic names in Pliny Strabon Homer Pauly RE
A nice sunday!
Look at these short verbs:
Sumerian u: to sleep
Old Turkish ū: to sleep Source 1 word of the day
ApollonApollon-Greek-Deity |
Like many other Greek Deities, Apollo has no Greek etymology, no Indo European etymology, either.
Similar deities/words I have seen in Anatolian/Mesopotamian/Etruscan langs and of course in Turkish, too. A try, a proposal by me for all ‚AB’ words that I know! Far-fetched? Bit forced? I had to write them down, sorryMy dear follower Chiara from Italy, whom I follow, too, wrote this tweet:
(original) German:
In Neapel haben wir eine Redewendung, “pigliato dai turchi” (angegriffen von den Türken) und sie wird benutzt, wenn man nicht weiß, was zu tun und hat Angst vor der Zukunft.
In Naples we have a saying, “pigliato dai turchi” (attacked by the Turks) and it is used when one does not know what to do and is afraid of the future.
İtalyan Napolililer geleceğin getireceklerinden korktukları ve ne yapacaklarını bilmedikleri duruma <pigliato dai turchi> , yani <Türklerin saldırısı altındayız> derlermiş.
Benin degerli takipçim Chiara yazdı bunu.
Bu bilgiyi heryerde bulamazsınız.
You can not find this information everywhere.
Uzunbacak Adem
Eski Türkce Sözlük |
Akkadian word of the day tīšariš<tūšaru: into a steppe, plain, flat land; gesture of ‚prostration‘(Turkish> secde) in prayer * Now Turkish words like Taş: outer >taşğaru: outside, not at home or near. Taş: stone Prostration: head touching stone? #akkadian #turkish #türkçe #akadca #türkisch
Uzunbacak Adem
A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian (pages 407 & 411)
Eski Türkçe Sözlük Bayat/Cinar
About the term Kanglı, Kengeres, Kangar
A very interesting Korean wikisite about Kanglı >Turkish speaking peoples.pic1 * My turn: Sumerian call their land KENGİR ‘the land of noble lords‘, Byzantine Emperor VII Porphyrogenitus call Kengers ‘noble and brave’.Queen Elisabeth |
Drakul |
Kraliçe II. Elizabet, Kuman Türk kökenli Basarapa Hanedanı'ndan Vlad Drakul'un (Kazıklı Voyvoda) 15. göbekten yeğenidir. Alın bakalım.
* British Queen Elisabeth II. is a fifteenth great-grandniece to Prince Vlad III of Dracul/Dracula, who was a member of Kuman Turkish Dynasty Basarab.Sidetic Turkish Runes Comparison |
My comparison of Turkish Runes to (Old Anatolian) Sidetic alphabet (unicode)
Imho the Sidetic ‚signs‘ are rather similar to Turkish Runes than to Old Greek alphabet. Aren‘t they? Especially the signs for A Ç N S(Ś) are the ‚same‘. 10 of 25 signs are same/similar toAkkadian word of the day
şarşaru: cricket Assyr. zirzirru: a tiny insect * Now look at Old Turkish word cırcır (böceği): cricket • This kind of onomatopoeic reduplication (same syllable 2x) is very typical for Turkish> dırdır, fırfır, zırzır, çırçır… * Look at other #akkadian redups pic2Similar words:
All meaning ~ shoulder Sumerian murgu Turkish omuz<omur Proto Turkic omur- ProtoMongolic omur- (collar bone) Proto Altaic omurV Chuvash Ӑмӑр Latin umerus Greek ώμος ômos Old Indian: áṁsa- Armenian: us, gen. Usoy Sources starlingdb/wikiSumerian Organ Names Twitter |
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...