Sunday, August 22, 2021


 Attila Han!

The son of Boncuk Han! Boncuk means jewel, bead! The Croatian name Mandzukic has the same meaning! Actually all the names of Atilla‘s Forefathers can be surely explained with Turkish etymo! Oktar, Charaton, Rua, Baybars And his son‘s name Dengizik, too!


Uzunbacak Adem


 Flagge von Italiengreeting ‚ciao‘ meaning ‘your (humble) servant, slave, derived orig. from ‘SLAV’ peoples, Latin origin

* Flagge von Deutschlandgeeeting ‚servus‘ means ‚servant‘, has a similar meaning, Latin origin, too >Flagge von UngarnSzervusz, Flagge von PolenSerwus, in many other East EU langs, too! Both meaning ‚at your service‘

Uzunbacak Adem


 Akkadian word of the day

Baltu - a spiny plant And now compare Turkish baldıran (hemlock) German baldrian (valerian) Hungarian bojtorján (burdock) Wiki confirms that the German and Hungarian forms have Turkish origin! (Pic2) I would say, the Akkadian and Turkish ones could be ‘relatives’, too!

Akkadian Baltu - Baldrian - Valerian - Baldiran 

Uzunbacak Adem 


 Flagge von Ungarncigány

Flagge von Frankreichtzigane ByzantineFlagge von Griechenland τσιγγάνος Flagge von Italien zigano/zingaro
German: Zigeuner, Middle High Flagge von DeutschlandCigäwnär Flagge von Rumäniențigan Flagge von PolenCygan Flagge der Tschechischen Republik Cikán Flagge von Russland цыган Jiddisch ציגײַנער all these (and many more) derived from Old Flagge der Türkei"çıgan" meaning "poor, verarmt, mittellos". In Modern Flagge der TürkeiÇingene, the Persian version

Flagge der Türkeiçingene Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichesgypsy ALL of those words below mean GYPSY (The Romani People) and ALL have the same Old Turkish root ‘çıgañ‘, meaning poor, Flagge von Deutschlandmittellos * Modern Turks use Persian word ‚çingene‘ for that and this Persian word has also the same Old Turkish root Çıgañ, too!



 Ünlü Alman Prof. Selz’in kitabındaki şu cümlesi önemli:

..Ural-Altay.. ile yapısal ilişkilerine.. /pic2 Profesör adam, yazdığını bilerek yazar. ‘Sümerce, Ural-Altay dil ailesiyle ilişkilidir’ diyor, ‘benzerlikleri var’ demiyor, ‘ilişkisi var’ diyor, daha ne desin?



"Famous German Prof. The following sentence in Selz's book is important: Structural relations with ..Ural-Altay.. /pic2 The professor writes knowingly what he writes. He says 'Sumerian is related to the Ural-Altaic language family', he does not say 'they have similarities', he says 'there is a relation', what more can you say?"

Uzunbacak Adem


 Babannem, Dedem ve 1 yaşındaki Babam, 1937 yılında, neleri varsa arkalarında bırakarak, hiçbirşeysiz, işte bu Varna Limanı’ndan Türkiye’ye gelmişler.

• Bugün orada oğlumla, üçünü de sevgiyle ve sessizce andım! (10 Ağustos 2021) • #varna #bapha #warna #varnaharbour #varnalimani

Babannem hep derdi:
"Varna, parasız varma". 

Oraya parasız varıp, Vatan Türkiye'ye de parasız geldiler. 

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 Provat-Ovech-Taş Hisar

a fortress in the birthplace of my dad Mustafa!

A late antiquity and medieval FORTRESS that is located on the Plateau East of the town of #Provadia There are 30 rock graves dating back to Thracian Times! Enjoy the pics! I visited the city and fortress in August 2021

Uzunbacak Adem


Uzunbacak Adem's tweet


Interesting work Flagge des Vereinigten Königreichesabout Turks, Iron and Tree by a Japanese ScholarRückhand Zeigefinger nach unten * Very interesting is the passage where we can read the sentence „The Türks .. chanted.. in their Scythian tongue..“ by Byzantine ambassador to Göktürks, 6th C, Zemarchos!

Uzunbacak Adem


Flagge der Türkeiword KIRBAÇ (whip) And its echoes in other langs: Flagge von DeutschlandKarbatsche Flagge des Vereinigten Königreicheskurbash Flagge von Rumäniencravaşa Flagge von Polenkorbacz Flagge von Ungarnkorbács Flagge der Slowakeikorbáč Flagge von Frankreichcravache Flagge von SerbienFlagge von Kroatienkorbač Flagge von Italiencurbascio Flagge von Spaniencorbacho Arabic kurbaj …. • Bonus word Flagge von Polen Korbáčik: a kind of cheese (=Flagge der Türkeikırbaççık: little kırbaç)

pic: wikipedia

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  * Pliny writes about some tribal names near Lake Mieotis. The interesting ones for me are: Sauromatæ Gynæcocratumeni (the husbands of the ...