Thursday, April 15, 2021


 Alman Futbol Lig‘inde, ‘Ayın Golü’ #tordesmonats çok önemlidir ve 50 yıllık tarihe sahiptir.

Eylül 2009’da Ayın Golü olarak seçilen Münih Türkgücü’nün kalecisi Hillringhaus’un golü ise özeldir, çünkü bir kaleci tarafından atılan ilk Ayın Golü’dür!

Baglantı bırakayım:

Uzunbacak Adem
Down pointing backhand index
Soccer ball


 Today many word from Twitter, from the persons I follow:

Hittite word of the day nakappi-, negappi-, nikappi- (c.), a kind of bowl, ace. sg. DUG-na-kap-piin Hittite Etymological Dictionary

Flag of Turkey

Turkish kap (m): pouch, sack, bag

Flag of Turkey

kap-(v): to shut, to hit, to catch, to close These Turkish words would be interesting in this context!


Hittite word of the day u̯ēlku- (n.) ‘grass, vegetation’ ( Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon )

Turkish ILGIN/YILGIN a kind of plant of Mediterranean Region, no culture plant. English: Tamarix. ILGIN: A town in Konya/Turkiye


Hittite word of the day aiš / išš- "mouth" ( Etymological Dictionary of the Hittite Inherited Lexicon )

Hittite word aiš / išš- "mouth" Turkish ağız: (mouth) Latin OS= mouth Sagay / Tuvan Turkish: aas Uzbek: oğiz (read it like English owis) Kyrgyz: ooz


The name "Caria"is referred to as Karuwa (steep land) in Luwian, as Kares/Karkoi in ancient Hellenic texts, as Karkusa/Karkisa/Karakisa in Hittite texts, as Karka in the Persian records and as Keres/Geres in Egyptian hieroglyphic inscriptions

Ancient Turkish KIR cognates with this word. KIR (Read It like KR) means a steppe, open range; a higher hill, too


PIE root of the day: PIE √ur- √uor- √uer- (vb.) ‘angreifen, fassen, nehmen, finden’ (IEW. 1160), see OIr. ro·fūar- (pret.) ‘invēnī’, Hitt. ḫantei·ura- (vb.) ‘herausfinden’:


Flag of Turkey

ur- (modern

Flag of Turkey

vur): schlagen, fassen, to hit, schnell berühren Hurra,

Flag of Germany

Hurrah, a War cry, probably from hurren ‚sich schnell bewegen‘, like hurtig or

Flag of England

hurry. Both could have

Flag of Mongolia

Mongolian or

Flag of Turkey

origin. Urra form ur- meaning to hit!


PIE root of the day: PIE √ur- √uor- √uer- (a.) ‘hervorstehend, weit, groß’ (IEW 1151, 1167), see e.g. CLu. ura- (a.) ‘groß’, RV. vrādha- (pr.M.) ‘groß, stark, gewaltig sein’

Flag of Turkey

ur, ura: Tumor Baskurtistan dialect oro=Tumor

Flag of Turkey

root ür/ (uer) means to get more, to swell up, to fertilize, Uygur dislect: uri: the son, the young,


PIE root of the day: PIE √ul- √uol- √uel- (sb.) ‘Geburt, Rang’ (IEW 842-843), see e.g. Hitt. ana·u̯ali- (a.) ‘gleichrangig, ebenbürtig’, Arm. ul- (sb.) ‘young of a goat/deer’:

Turkish oğul-cuk: uterus, womb oğ- is a root dealing with birth, many words with that indicating birth/born. oğul: Children, the geborenen oğ: read it like ou oğul: read it like oul Turkish oğlak: young of a goat.


PIE root of the day: PIE √uois- √ueis- √uis- (vb.) ‘gedeihen, grünen, sich (ver)mehren’ (sb.) ‘Baum, Sproß, Frucht’ (IEW 1133), see e.g. Lith. vaĩsiu- (m.) ‘Frucht, Ergebnis, Resultat’, Lat. uir·eo- (pr.2.) ‘grün sein, grünen’:

Turkish Yeşil : green From Old Turkish yaş: Feucht, young (tree, Sprossen), fresh, vegetable...


PIE root of the day: PIE √uɑh- (vb.) ‘brennen’ (IEW –), see LAv. fra·vā- (pr.) ‘hervorscheinen, leuchten’, Hitt. u̯āḫ·nu- (pr.) ‘brennen’:

Flag of Turkey

root ya- has exactly to do with light, fire. Words like yan-, yak-: brennen, Yarun: morning, tomorrow, (like in

Flag of Germany

‚Morgen ä’ for both meanigs) when it is bright again, Yalim: flame


PIE root of the day: PIE √sɑh- √osɑh- √esɑh- (sb.) ‘Herr, Verwalter, Meister’, √sosɑh- √sesɑh- (vb.) ‘anordnen, herrschen, bestimmen’ (IEW 342 [diff.]), see e.g. OHitt. ešḫa- (c.) ‘EN: Herr: lord’, Lat. ero- (m.) ‘Herr’:

IE:Asu-s=der Herr Zend:Anhu = Herr Latin:Erus (Era, Esa (Old form))=Herr OldTurk: Is-sı (As)=Herr (owner)=>Er:Mann Sans:Isha, Ishta (Asura)=Herr Avest:Ahura=Herr Bibel:Assurbanipal=Aššur-bāni-apli; 'Ashur is the creator of an heir' Norse:áss, ás = a member of the principal pantheon


PIE root of the day: PIE √ml- √mol- √mel- (sb.) ‘Honig‘, see e.g. Arm. mełr- (sb.) ‘Honig‘, HLu. maliri·mi- (pt.a.) ‘honeyed‘:

Bal: ancient Turkisch for Honey, balli = with honey


PIE root of the day: PIE √lep- √lop- √lebɑɦ- √lobɑɦ- (vb.) ‘brennen, glänzen, glühen’ (sb.) ‘Zeus, Fieber, Fackel, Funken’ (IEW –), see e.g. Hitt. lap- (vb.1.) ‘glühen, entflammt sein, brennen’, Dor. λοφίδ- (f.) ‘Fackel: torch’: 

Türkisch yalap: to shine, yalim: fire, flame ( codex cumanicus) , ܨܠܒ syrian aramaic (š l b) to crucify, çalab: Turkish: God, priest,


PIE root of the day: PIE √lgɑɦ- √logɑɦ- √logɑɦ- (vb.) ‘neigen, beugen, liegen usw.’ (IEW 658-659), see e.g. Hitt. lag- (vb.2.) ‘neigen, beugen, (Zähne) schief schlagen’, Goth. lag- (pret.) ‘lie: κεῖσθαι, κατακεῖσθαι’: 

Similar to Turkish: Eg- biegen (to bend) , egir- spinnen (to spin) (wolle, Stoff) , egil- sich beugen (bow down), Egrelti: der Farn, the fern


PIE root of the day: PIE √l- (vb.) ‘angreifen, ergreifen, nehmen, rauben’ (IEW 665), see e.g. CLu. la- (vb.) ‘nehmen’, OInd. lā́- (pr.) ‘ergreifen, mit sich nehmen’: 

Al- (verb) Turkish nehmen, to take, kap- (verb) nehmen, festnehmen, fangen, Kapi (n) Tür, door.


PIE root of the day: PIE √giɑɦn- (vb.) ‘biegen’ (sb.) ‘Knie’ (IEW 380-1), see e.g. Gr. γόνυ- (n.) ‘knee’, Hitt. ganini- (vb.1.) ‘sich beugen: bow, crouch, squat’: 

Türkish Verben eg- egin- (biegen, sich beugen) Egir- spinnen (die Wolle drehen), Nomen Egitim: Erziehung. Auch ähnlich.


Uzunbacak Adem

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



Sumerian word: šeĝ (meaning rain, to rain) Uygur: sig: to piss-> siy: to piss(
Flag of Turkey
işemek)=Mongolian sigü- siygin: rain with a wind
Old Turkish: çiy/çiğ: moist->Başkurt ısık: moist
* Links: search 'to rain' *

Uzunbacak Adem


  Paulys RE * Pauly's  Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft Letter C/CH Findings in März 2025 * I have looked through ...