Sunday, December 27, 2020



Sumerian words similar to Turkish ones

According to this website there are three words that cognate with the Turkish ones:

Look at these comparisons:

Sumerian Egir = Turkish kız (<Kir) meaning daughter

Sumerian Ereš = Turkish Er-Eş (EŞ= The partner of ER => (Er means the Man)) still in use. When you want to say in Turkey : This is my wife you would say: bu eşim (bu: this, -im possessive suffix)

Sumerian Erim, Erin, Eren = Turkish Er = the man, Eren = the hero



Friday, December 25, 2020


has sought the pre-Greek toponyms and found many hydronyms with the small word/suffix VrnV (V for vocal). I myself have found in the Book of Isaac Taylor the river ARNO and his could belong to this category. 

But slowly. Firstly I give the word the other blogger Midas

who wrote about these hydronyms. 

He wrote that he found several hydronyms that are probably of Pre-Greek origin.

His list:


Arna, Andros
Name of a village, rich in springs.

Arna, Laconia
Village and the name of a cave-spring nearby.

Arnaea, Chalkidike
A small town full of water. Not very far away, a Greek brand of bottled water is produced.

Arnissa, Pella
The -ssa ending is a typical in pre-Greek toponyms. Arnissa was and still is a city in the shores of Lake Begoritida, western Makedonia.

Arnitha, Rhodos
A Mycenaean village, surviving until today. There're two springs there, being the second largest watersource of the island.

Small river in Achaea.

Name of a spring in Kalymnos

Ancient harbour town in Crete, rich in water. Excavations have revealed ancient wells and water tanks.

Alassarna, Kos
Name following the same fashion as Phalasarna. Kos is rich in water anyway, so no conclusion can be made, other than the similarity of the two toponyms. Alassa, is also a spring in Andros and a water dam in Cyprus. 

Myrina, Lemnos
A small town in Lemnos, rich in ancient remains that were full of wells and that date back to 4000 B.C. Rich in drinking water, even today.


Aruna is a sea god in Hittite mythology and the Hittite City Arinna mens the Source (German Quelle)


Arno is a river in Etruria. 


Now I suppose, I figured it out with the help of Isaac Taylor:

The Turkish word ARNA, meaning the water channel or water course could be the etymological explanation. When we accept, the Etruscan are from Anatolia, then it is not a surprise. 

do you want to read more?

words with A R N dealing with watercourses


Uzunbacak Adem

Thursday, December 24, 2020



There was a town...

here is the short story:

...Roman province of Lycia, the bishopric of Acarassus was a suffragan of the metropolitan see of Myra,..t is listed in all the Notitiae Episcopatuum from the mid-7th century to about 1300. (wikipedia)

A Lycian town called Acrassus or Akrassos, it was located at the site of today's Elmali in Antalya, Turkey. 

When we look at the wiki page of Elmali we see:

...the area is watered by streams running off the mountains....

And now: 

Turkish word for streaming water is simply AKARSU (AK- to flow, SU is simply the water) and the Lycian Town was called Akarassu-s (-s Greek/Roman suffix). AKARSU is very similar to AKARASSU-s, isn't it? Not only in form but also in meaning. (Turkish Akarsu means river, too)

And there was another town in Lydia alles Acrassus. I think, it is the same word in a slightly different language. 

All infos by wiki. All interpretations by me.

How did you find them?

Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, December 19, 2020


 There is a Scythian King called in Wikipedia ATHEAS. This is not right. 

What we read on the coins s ATAILS (ATAILΣ). It was written as ATAILS but on the 12th of December 2020, a user changed this into Atheas. Why?

I started this change because I asked 

"I see there ATAILS and you read it like Atheas? Why?

This other user did not answer and changed it simply into Atheas. 

Bur ATAILS was right! 

Look at these coin. There is ATAILS standing, not Atheas. 

Further sites with this KING / coins.


I asked further the other user. I wrote, there I see ATAILS, definitely. Why does he insist of his failure?

He wrote: When you use Google Image Search you see that the King is called Atheas. 

Who is google? It is a human, too, I mean there are humans who are writing there and google shows us, 

what we can find. His answer was not ok. 


I wrote that the older version with ATAILS was right, why he changed into a false ATHEAS?

He wrote back: .....Please stop spreading your Turkish POVs! (Points of Views)...The relevant scientific data is referenced.... 

Now! I understand it like that: We/I have the ultimate version of knowledge and you should accept or die. Now I ask you: should I accept this lie?


Why is it relevant for me/science/Turks?

ATA-IL-S consist of 2 words and 1 Greek suffix (-S)

ATA means in Turkish The Father/The Chief and IL means Land/City/Kingdom. Both have Turkish etymology and it was the point, why the other German User of Wikipedia did not want to discuss anymore. That's it.

Uzunbacak Adem

Chronology of the discussion:

the last notice about this issue!


UPDATE 24.12.2022

There is a new coin that I haven't seen before. The name of the ATAILS is ATAIL on it. The original name without being Greekized. 

Pic source: google!

Uzunbacak Adem

Saturday, December 5, 2020


Toluy'u (Eski Türkçe deniz) iyi bilen bir halktan gelen, Özer'in kızı Ayana Ebe ve kocası Ayhan'dan olma Kızık, maceracı Argonotları evine davet etti, ertesi gün de misafirlerinden Koroğlu tarafından yanlışlıkla öldürüldü. Bu kadar. Başka bilgimiz yok.

Uzunbacak Adem


Kaynak/Source: Wikipedia


  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...