Friday, July 24, 2020


Sella Turcica-Türkensattel-Türk Eyeri The one and only anatomical term that was named after a people! It is a part of human skull, a deep depression that is looking like a very high Turkish saddle of Ottomans at that time (15.-16. C). It must have been very inspiring.

Sella Turcica mentioned firstly in the work „De humani corporis fabrica libri decem“ of Flemish Anatomist Adriaan van den Spiegel in 1627. At least 50 years before Vienna Siege.

* Germans call it "Türkensattel" and the Turks themselves? -> Sella Turcica.


The Turks and their horse culture: 2 other words dealing the horses in European languages are: Shagreen + Shabrack check it out when you want to know more:

Uzunbacak Adem

Sources: Wikipedia,
Pics: Wikipedia, the Met

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