Sunday, June 27, 2021


‚most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have!‘ A towel * An Ottoman Turkish invention (1600s), used for choosing future daughter-in-law in hamam, now almost everybody on this earth has it at home! My granma Ayşe called it Peşkir! * WIKI: Towel Day is celebrated every year on 25 May as a tribute to the author Douglas Adams by his fans.[2] On this day, fans openly carry a towel with them, as described in Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, to demonstrate their appreciation for the books and the author. The commemoration was first held 25 May 2001, two weeks after Adams' death on 11 May.[3] * Pic: Wiki Uzunbacak Adem *


Hello again, now new Akkadian words and the compatible Turkish words: Akkadian words of the day: Sunnuqu: checked Old Turkish Sına-: to check, experience From the root ‘sı-‘ to break That’s why ‘reduced’ and ‘checked’ compatible with each other?(See pic for comparison) * Sunkuršanu: a marsh bird Old Turkish Sungur: a kind of falcon Old Hungarian Szongor
* The next ones: #Akkadian verb of the day: Saradum: to tie up/‘pack’ a donkey Old Turkish sar-: to tie up, to pack (an animal), to cover, to surround * Akadça eylem saradum: bağlamak, (eşeğe) yük sarmak Eski Türkçe sarmak: bağlamak ve yüklemek, çevirmek, kaplamak Görseller2-3: Gülensoy/Eyuboğlu
* Türkçe-Akadça benzerliği üzerine 8 sayfalık bir çalışma bırakayım! Yazan: Elşad Allili Kısa ama dopdolu! Okuyun. * (ENGLISH) I drop a short booklet (only 8 pages) about Turkish-Akkadian similarity! Short but full work! By Elşad Allili Baglanti/Link: * Akkadian qerbītum: centre, interior, womb Acc. to Ligeti> Mongolian qarbisun: the lowest rib-> Flag of TurkeyKarın: womb * Akk. qerbu/Qarbum: center of a town OT Karım: fortified place * Akk.garābu: become close OT kar-: to get together Karış-: to fight Karşı: against/to welcome
* From another Twitter User the word: Akkadian Language mu-ru-ú : Rainstorm my words to that issue: Poyraz is a Turkish name for boys, deriving from Boreas. Greek Boreas has a startling similarity to Ancient Turkish word ‚borağan‘ meaning massive rain-snow and Persian’baran’ rain. borağan derives from bor/boz, meaning gray (weather). Compare Boz with Vulgar Latin Bysseus(cottony gray) * Akkadian word Pašāqu: to be narrow, difficult, troublesome; reduced to hard straits! Look at the Old Turkish root sık-: to tighten, squeeze; sıkıg: trouble, difficulty; sıkıştır-: reduced to hard strains (see pic2-Nişanyan) Šupšuku is like Turkish sıpsıkı (very tight)
* Akkadian root paqādu and Old Turkish root bak- are very similar in form and in meaning! Turkish bak(v) means to look, to look after, to care, to maintain, to check! See pics for Akkadian words Akkadian paqidu=Turkish bakıcı =CARER
* Modern Turkish Demir (Iron) Old Turkish Temür (Iron) * B≈M Sound-Change Flag of Turkey * And now: Hurrian Tabiri: Caster/Coppersmith (Turkish Dökümcü) >Sumerian Tibira,Tabira=Sculptor/Craftsman (Turkish Metalisçisi/Zanaatkar) >Akkadian: Tabiru/a: Coppersmith
* 3 Akkadian words 1 Old Turkish root Compare: Old Turkish root sap-(v): to insert sth. sharp, to drill, to make a hole Sap(n): hilt, grip, handle Turkish source: Eyuboğlu-Etimoloji Sözlüğü
* Akkadian words that are very similar to Turkish ones! * kuzu Sheep ist lamb and kuş Eagle is a bird Kış is winter Cold face in Turkish Üşü/üşi: to get cold, üşik: very cold weather
* Akkadian word kime meaning like, as, is the same like Old Turkish word gibi/kimi meaning also like, as! Pic1 Gülensoy‘s etymo and versions of the word gibi in many Turkish dialect! Pic2 Eyuboğlu’s explanation about cultural background! Pic 3
* Sumerian Šulpae = Jupiter Modern Turkish Čolpan Tatar Čulpa Kazak Šulpan Downwards arrow All these Turkish words mean Venus *
Ok Jupiter is not Venus but the similarity between Sumerian & Turkish words for 2 heavenly bodies is startling!
* Uzunbacak Adem


  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...