Saturday, November 30, 2019


Hello Together,

I have 3 Latin words, beginning with "A" today. There are very interesting similarities in sound and meaning with 3 Turkish words. Look at this:

Latin "adjacens" means 'neighboring' or 'adjoining'; Turkish "yakın" means 'near, not far away'.

Latin "aestus" means 'heat, fire'; Turkish "yaz" means "summer".

Latin "ager" means 'farm, field, soil, terrain' and Turkish "kır" means "mountain, hill, steppe'.


A bonus information:

Sumerian Ekur (𒂍𒆳 É.KUR), also known as Duranki, is a Sumerian term meaning "mountain house".(wikipedia). Very similar to Ev-kır => Ev: House (Old versions: üy, ü), kır: Mountain => then Ev-kır would be 1:1 compatible with Sumerian Ekur.


Pic: wikipedia

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Our book this time is "Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen"; by Fick, August, 1890

Indogerman root karaont- means: the loving one, devoted one, friend. 

As we can see on the pic above Gallic words Karantus, Karantillas, etc.; Welsh (Cymraeg) ceraint, cerynt, carant carantauc; Cornisch kerens sound like -Turkish- Karın-daş. 

Karındaş means simply brother, sister, sibling (German Geschwister).

And the next similar word on our pic:

The root Karate-s, Karatako-s means amiable, lovable.

In Turkish there's a very similar word, a version of Karındaş called Kardaş (older), Kardeş (actual). Gaulish Caratus, Irish Carthach, Welsch Caratauc, Breton Karadoc  , NewBreton Caradec are all 100 % compatible with Turkish Kardaş, as we can see on our pic above.


And now to our Turkish words and their meanings:

Both Karındaş and Kardaş have the same root (acc. to Nisanyan and Eyuboglu) => Karın meaning the belly, womb (German Bauch). Karındaş and Kardaş are the ones who are born from the same belly. 

In Turkey (nowadays and in ancient times) we call good friends always as Karındaş, Kardaş, Kardeş, all different versions of sibling (Geschwister). 

These both words Karındaş and Kardaş are related to each other or a version of each other.
Die ältere Schwester (William Adolphe Bouguereau 1869)

Four Sisters - Fran Eugene - Metropolitan Museum of Art

Sunday, November 3, 2019



Have a nice Sunday.
The Turkish word of the day is CARACAL.

It is a Afro-asian cat whose name is derived from the Turkish word KARAKULAK.
Karakulak means "the black ear".



Friday, November 1, 2019


Hallo, Hello, Merhaba!

Today is All Hallow' Day and is a religious public holiday in my homeland Bavaria.
It is raining and that's why a good day to star a new series called:

The words with uncertain etymology which I found by

The first word is 'oat', a well-known grassy plant.
I suggest Turkish 'ot' (old version of Uygur Turks 'oot') as word root.
Ot means simply and fast 'grass'.

'OT' and more the older version 'oot' are a 100 percent compatible in meaning and form with English 'oat'.

What do you mean?

Uzunbacak Adem
Red: area of origin, Green: where it is being planted

Avena sativa L (oat), 


  Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft * Mr. Pauly mentions the name of a chieftain of the Germanic tribe called Ch...